Goodbye, Deponia: 'surprisingly engaging'.
Adventure games are largely below the radar for many players now – a shame, since some, such as Goodbye, Deponia, are real gems. This trilogy-capping entry sees bumbling "hero" Rufus and his allies trying to save the titular garbage planet from obliteration. The point-and-click interface is well utilised, with no "pixel hunting" for imperceptible areas in order to progress, while the puzzles offer a nice mental workout without becoming infuriating.
However, there is a tendency to encounter rogue elements of those puzzles before they need to be solved for the story, which can be somewhat distracting. Beneath its bold animated visuals and sometimes crass humour, Deponia hides unexpected depth, with unsubtle yet biting commentary on class divisions. A surprisingly engaging series, brought to a fine conclusion.
Source: Theguardian. com
Readmore: Games News: Goodbye, Deponia – review
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