Press Start: GTA V microtransactions rumour, Vita TV more popular than Sony expected, and more

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GTA V – might players soon be able to purchase in-game credits with real cash?

A selection of links, hand-picked by the Guardian games writers.

GTA Online to add microtransactions? |

This is likely to provoke some debate online:

Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer mode – GTA Online – could introduce microtransactions, if a new claim turns out to be true. Reddit user 1880 discovered a file from the store section of the GTAV menu (which is currently empty) that mentions something called "Cash Cards."

This XML file mentions downloadable content from the game's special editions, as well as four "Cash Cards" ranging from $100,000 to $1,250,000.

"Cash is king in this town. Solve your money problems and help get what you want across Los Santos and Blaine County with the purchase of cash packs for Grand Theft Auto Online," reads a description of the cards. "All purchased cash is automatically deposited into your character's bank account. Spend wisely, cash therapy is fleeting."

Rockstar will no doubt clarify soon, but this sort of in-game microtransaction has already featured in several other triple A titles, including Assassin's Creed III, as well as Xbox One launch title, Ryse. It's likely to happen more as publishers seek to offset the growing costs of long-running game services.

Sony acknowledges western interest in Vita TV greater than expected | Games industry news | MCV

The Vita streaming concept that Sony revealed during its pre-Tokyo Game Sjow press briefing last week has garnered more interest than the company thought it would:

Western interest in the recently-revealed Playstation Vita TV has exceeded Sony's expectations, according to senior vice president Masayasu Ito.

Speaking with Eurogamer, Ito explained that feedback since the hardware's announcement earlier this month has been "strong" and "more than expected."

"Of course, we are thinking about launching it in the U.S. and Europe," Ito later confirmed to Polygon – noting that Sony would need to launch Vita TV with western equivalents of the Japanese video streaming services.

"We will look into each possibility before launching this in the West."

Vita TV acts as a media extender, allowing gamers to enjoy PS4 titles in other rooms away from their main TV set-up. It also projects Vita titles onto the big screen. It is currently only confirmed for Jaspan, China and South Korea.

GTA V Disappearing Vehicles Being Investigated by Rockstar | IGN

Has this happened to you?

Rockstar is aware of issues Grand Theft Auto V players have encountered with customized cars disappearing from their garages and is investigating the issue, according to a support page on its website.

Some players who have customized a vehicle and stored it in a garage have found that vehicle is missing after completing a mission. Rockstar has not yet developed a fix for the problem, but in an update on the issue's support page, Rockstar did offer up some information that can help players to avoid running into any problems with disappearing cars.

I've actually just had the opposite bug: I returned to my garage recently to find two identical cars, one on top of the other.

Xbox One: "Our long term vision hasn't changed at all" | GamesIndustry International

Here's Xbox exec Phil Harrison confirming what Phil Spencer told me last month – that the manufacturer hasn't changed its central philosophy of a hyper-connected console with a digital future:

Our long term vision hasn't changed at all. We haven't diluted our long term vision, which is all of the benefits of a connected ecosystem and what that means for all of the stakeholders - us, developer, publisher and crucially, the player. None of that has changed. What we recognised was when you put a disc slot in the front of a machine certain expectations come with that disc slot. We had to adapt some of our policies and it was best that we did those before we launched, which we've done.

He also mentions that you shouldn't expect many indie titles on the console this year:

I don't think we're going to see things at launch. I don't think it's realistic to see a developer get the programme and build a game and get it into the market on November 22. It's reasonable to expect in early 2014 we'll start seeing the first games come through.

The man behind God of War is working on a new game ... and hunting ghosts? | Polygon

David Jaffe has announced his new studio, ahem, The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency. Here he tells Polygon about the company's bizarre benefactor:

Jaffe tells me, with a completely dead-pan voice, that this person, this approaching-80-year-old ghost hunter, werewolf curer, demon tracker, is backing a chunk of the studio and that when Jaffe's not working on the game with his small team, he's occasionally tracking down the spirits of the dearly departed.

I think perhaps they were painting the new office and not letting the fumes out properly.

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Source: Tablet Android

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